Attendees must be between completed grades of 3 - 5.
$50 deposit due May 12 (non-refundable)
Total cost is $235 (pre-fundraiser discount)
Oak Grove's registration is for payment only. Camp registration is below on Mt. Lebanon's website.
No sibling discounts are available.
Contact Christine Anderson with any questions.
Church Code: oakgrovekc23
1. Parents/Guardians and adult volunteers, the first screen is where you will set up your username and password. Note: Your username will be your email address.
2. Once you have entered and confirmed the information, click NEXT and you will be taken step by step through the registration process.
3. When you get to the “Enter Your Church Code” page, enter the Church Code that is listed at the top of this page. This code is specifically for your church’s participants.
4. If you are registering more than one person, complete the registration process for the first person. When you are finished, it will give you the option to return to the home page or register an additional person. Click “add additional attendee” to go through the process to register an additional person.
5. Please be sure to complete all required online forms and medical screen to be completely registered for camp.
If you experience any difficulties during the registration process, click the “Contact Us” button at the top of each screen.